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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Been So Busy!

Sorry I haven't said anything in the past few weeks! I have been so busy!
My family doesn't do Christmas, but we do do Hanukkah, which started the 11th and ended the 18th, two days after my 18th birthday. Yes, I am now 18!
We got a few gifts from our parents, and us kids exchanged gifts too. I also had a friend give us a few gifts. :)

On the 10th I got to visit with a friend, which was nice! We ate supper at her house and watched Hook. It had been a long time since I had watched that movie! It brought back good memories!

We had church at our house on the 13th. (We attend a home fellowship.) We had over thirty people in our home! I have never thought of our house as small but I did that day! :):)

On the 10th I had my first Chiropractor appt. He checked my back, and apparently my headaches have been caused by my neck. One of my legs is also shorter than the other. So, some of my family members and I have to see the chiro twice a week.

My birthday was the 16th! We went to ladies meeting ( We are studying The Way Home by Mary Pride.), and they had made me a delicious cheesecake with my name in chocolate on top! I was very surprised!

On the 18th my mama and I went out for my birthday. We went to an Indian restaurant, which was delicious, then to the movie theater. We saw 2012. It was pretty good!

Yesterday we had our Hanukkah dinner with friends. We watched the Passion that night as well with a family friend, and I just cried and cried! How great he loves us! To have sacrificed His life for US!

Well, thats whats been going on so far.

Today I went to the library to renew my card and was told that I neeeded a photo ID or a bill in my name... I live at home, so no bills are in my name, and I don't have a drivers license. So... I have decided to get a photo ID soon, to renew my card, and later this year, in the summer, to DRIVE! I am a little nervous, but I have many months to get over that. :)
Its a new adventure!


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