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Monday, December 28, 2009

me again!

Hello! Its me again.:):)

I hope you all are doing well, and are healthy. I am. I had a popcorn ball and have never felt healthier. :):):)

Its been snowing here alot, thankfully a little seems to melt between snow falls. Otherwise I'd be brushing snow off my lap as I type this!!:)

I finished my last math book about three weeks ago, and I am very pleased. Technically I am done with High School, but I am going to graduate in May, with my party in June.

My mama is now six months along. Thank you for praying for her! The baby is healthy as far as we know. Please continue to pray over little ahava.:):)

We are still going to the chiro, and my neck has improved. :)

A girl I know came up from TX to visit our church along with her family, and on Wednesday we are going to go out to coffee to visit! I am excited!

Soon I am going to get the mop on my head cut again. I had it cut boyishly short in April, but it has all grown out since then. I am going to get it really short again, but long on the sides. Can't wait!:):)


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Been So Busy!

Sorry I haven't said anything in the past few weeks! I have been so busy!
My family doesn't do Christmas, but we do do Hanukkah, which started the 11th and ended the 18th, two days after my 18th birthday. Yes, I am now 18!
We got a few gifts from our parents, and us kids exchanged gifts too. I also had a friend give us a few gifts. :)

On the 10th I got to visit with a friend, which was nice! We ate supper at her house and watched Hook. It had been a long time since I had watched that movie! It brought back good memories!

We had church at our house on the 13th. (We attend a home fellowship.) We had over thirty people in our home! I have never thought of our house as small but I did that day! :):)

On the 10th I had my first Chiropractor appt. He checked my back, and apparently my headaches have been caused by my neck. One of my legs is also shorter than the other. So, some of my family members and I have to see the chiro twice a week.

My birthday was the 16th! We went to ladies meeting ( We are studying The Way Home by Mary Pride.), and they had made me a delicious cheesecake with my name in chocolate on top! I was very surprised!

On the 18th my mama and I went out for my birthday. We went to an Indian restaurant, which was delicious, then to the movie theater. We saw 2012. It was pretty good!

Yesterday we had our Hanukkah dinner with friends. We watched the Passion that night as well with a family friend, and I just cried and cried! How great he loves us! To have sacrificed His life for US!

Well, thats whats been going on so far.

Today I went to the library to renew my card and was told that I neeeded a photo ID or a bill in my name... I live at home, so no bills are in my name, and I don't have a drivers license. So... I have decided to get a photo ID soon, to renew my card, and later this year, in the summer, to DRIVE! I am a little nervous, but I have many months to get over that. :)
Its a new adventure!


Monday, December 7, 2009

All About Me. :)

Have you ever gotten those " twenty questions about yourself" in an e-mail? I do quite a lot, and thought I'd fill one out here.:)

1.Your full name: Morgan ********* *********

2.Where you live: ***********

3.Favorite song right now? Well, I keep humming UP's soundtrack. :)

4.Favorite movie(s)? Mickey Blue Eyes, Pride and Prejudice, Hairspray and too many more to count!

5. Favorite TV shows? Medium, The Mentalist, and more I can't remember....

6.Scariest thing that has ever happened to you? When a car got hit by a train by my house a few months back and when my brother got lost a month ago.

7.Favorite food? I love chocolate, beets, peas, salad, tacos, and ice cream.

8. Favorite restaurant? Steak and Shake, Olive Garden.

9. Favorite place to go? Library, bike riding.

10.Favorite place to be alone. Bathroom. :)

11. What you are wearing? gauchos, t-shirt.

12. Do you dye your hair? yes.

13.Favorite season? spring

14. When did you last dream? Last night.

15. Favorite verses? Isaiah 30:18-21

16. Influential person in your life? mama, daddy,

17. If you could go anywhere, where would it be?
I don't know.....

18. Missing anybody? Oh, loads of people.

19.How many siblings? nine

20. Dream car?
A red Mustang convertible. :):)

21. Make-up?

22.short hair or long?

23.Friend you last saw.

24. Sing in the shower? Sometimes. :):)

25. Drive?
Chose not to.

26. Job.
Yes. Professional sister. :):)

There you have it. :) A little about me. :) I think that was more than 20 questions. Oh, well! :)


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Today my mama and I went to a cookie exchange at Mrs. J's house. I made peanut butter blossoms and oatmeal scotchies. We came home with many awesome cookies and we had alt of fun. :)

Hanukkah starts this coming friday, and my birthday is the wednesday after that. I am making a scrapbook for my siblings for Hanukkah, and a few other things I can't mention since my mom reads my blog. :):)

My friend AP let me borrow UP. Oh my it was so cute! And sad. Both! I absolutely love that movie. I like the soundtrack. I keep humming that song. :) I highly recommend that movie. :) Its sweet, sad and happy. It has alot of good things in it for families. :)

Does your mom have a song she sang/sings to you when you are/were sad? When I was little, my mom always sang "You Are My Sunshine." Singing that song brings back so much memories!
I was thinking about all the songs that bring back memories.
(Not all of these are Christian)

I wish I could of met Keith Green.
Songs have always been a big part of my life. :)
